Monday, June 15, 2009

Week one

Alright we hit the ground running. After my baptism I again went out on Friday morning in a double (2guys/four oars). It was an enjoyable first for me. It is much more stable than the single and can be fun to be rowing with someone else instead of being left with your thoughts all the time. Friday afternoon was my first practice in the sweep boats (one oar per person). I went out in a four with coxswain (4+). it was fun to get back into a sweep boat after what was essentially a year long hiatus. It was also a new experience to have a unfamiliar coxswain. The main difference that I found between those that I have had before and my new one is basically they always talk. There seems to be no silence on the coxswain's mic. This is not to say that it was annoying, actually the opposite was true. It was helpful to have someone give direct feedback all the time when the coaches where working elsewhere.

On Saturday I was again in a 4+. The emphasis of this practice was mainly technique. So here is the tech jargon that those not interested can skip and move to the next paragraph. The main thing that coach Warren wants us to focus on for the summer is quick, connected catches. This is to say that there are two parts to the catch, actually placing the blade in the water, and possible more importantly, the connection point where you actually start moving the boat. I talked later to my friend Nick (coach Bivins) about this and he put forth the following metaphor: It is like a drag racer to fast on the power application and you spin your wheels to slow and you are slow. Coach Warren also pointed out that this is where one sees the difference between Novice rowers and elite rowers (the smaller the distance it takes to get the boat moving). This is my new area where the most time is going to have to be made to improve in the sweep boats. After practice I was exhausted and spent the rest of the day relaxing (i.e. napping).

Sunday was our free day. I spent it wondering around the city just finding what there is to find. I found a whole foods grocery and made my way through some of the closer museums to see admittance prices and so forth. I like Whole foods but would also like to find a more general grocery. I don't really care at this point if my eggs come from chickens that have been caged. I am still looking. I am also now tied in with the Philadelphia rent-a-rower. It is a ad hoc business where people hire rowers to do odd jobs so we can make some scratch. I will be tarring a roof on Tuesday. Monday starts a new week and there is no rest for the wicked.

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